Have I been eating Pringles wrong my whole life?

For some reason, a lot of people I know think Pringles are all that and a bag can of chips. I’ve always found them to be meh, just okay. After stumbling upon this article on Serious Eats, I may have identified the problem. According to the author, most people* eat Pringles in the upside-down saddle orientation. I think I actually eat them in the right-side-up saddle orientation. Am I the only one who does this? If I’m jamming a whole chip in my mouth, this orientation makes more sense as it allows your tongue to nestle into the groove on the underside of the saddle. The upside-down saddle is uncomfortably angular and there are too many ways to poke your mouth with sharp chip edges.

Unfortunately with my way, the salt and seasoning is apparently not on the side contacting my tongue. Perhaps this is why I don’t find Pringles to be more delicious. There are other problems, too, like the fact that they are not very potato-y in likeness or texture but instead a weird potato-cardboard composite which has been stamped into a shape out of my calculus textbook. But maybe I’ll give them another shot now that I know there is a preferred orientation.

* Not scientifically proven.

3 Comments on “Have I been eating Pringles wrong my whole life?”

  1. Ashley says:

    I eat them the same way as you do… I try the other method but it always breaks. Why can’t they season the other – or, gasp, BOTH – sides?

  2. Stephen G says:

    Personally, I prefer Lay’s Stax, hands down. Same basic idea, but they have the flavoring on both sides(!), and they have a bit more potato-chip-like crunch to them, too. A lot harder to find though.

    • Christine says:

      Oh hello, long time no see! That does sound way better than Pringles, I’ll have to get my hands on some. Normally I’m all about the Wavy Lay’s though.

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